Looking for the Ideal Montessori School
Infant daycare Dallas TX or Montessori education helps children find the learning path that fits them as well as build their interest and create knowledge. Picking a Montessori school sounds a lot easier than it actually is because it’s basically the method of education and not a step-by-step method of teaching. Schools that offer this kind of education will greatly vary in implementation and quality. Once you have decided that your child should enroll in Montessori, then read up on some tips below that will help you choose the right program.
Inquire About the Vision of the School
Traditionally, is the school a Montessori or do they allow a couple of modifications in the educational structure of curriculum in order to align with changes in the culture? Both options are valid but you should decide on which is better for the child so know the school’s vision before enrolling them.
Look for the Best Learning Environment
The thing is, a Montessori learning environment has quite a unique look, but some schools swear that they offer Montessori structures when in reality, it’s quite the opposite. So how can you see if it’s a true Montessori program? Look for the following:
? A handful of toys
? Warm and welcoming environment that feels safe
? Mixed-aged groups
? Lacking traditional workbooks and traditional school papers
? Child-sized toilet facilities
? Life-skill or practical skill areas
? A neat and orderly organization
? Learning materials for Montessori like art, charts and even live plants
? Instead of rows of desks, they have a classroom with furniture that are child-sized
? All materials are properly displayed and within the children’s reach
Observe the Students
If the environment is quite safe and good, be sure to schedule a tour during the time when students are actually in the classrooms. See if the students are working together and with others all around the classroom; observe if they’re playing in a respectful and safe way. You should be able to see some students engaged in learning or using materials and freely choosing the work or activity that they prefer. In case a small conflict takes place, you’ll see students, assisted by the teacher, try to solve the conflicts in a respectable and peaceful manner. Usually, there are Peace Table where students can quickly workout difference, if not then there are ‘watching chairs’ where adults and even children can take the time to observe peacefully.
Basically, the Montessori has to be buzzing with all sorts of activities with the sole exception of the morning cycle time; don’t expect to see them sit quietly and idly in one seat. Students are encouraged to use all senses in learning, apart from that, they should be contented and enjoying the entire time.
Observe the Teacher
Unlike the traditional teacher, Montessori school teachers have a role that’s a bit different. Instead of just standing in from of the students and giving out instructions, the teacher has to engage with children by teaching them the materials and presenting various lessons to smaller groups. Also, they spend a good amount of time observing the entire classroom in order to determent students that may need a bit more encouragement.