What to Look for When Choosing a Goldendoodle Puppy
So as to ensure that you are getting the best puppy for yourself, it is recommended that you should make the following observations. To begin with, the physical health of the Goldendoodle that you are looking to choose is important that you should look into. At any given time, the puppy of your choice ought to be one that is as healthy as possible. For this reason, you would need to therefore perform a physical health check. The first examination you should make is the energy level of the puppy you are considering. A Goldendoodle puppy that is both playful and active, most often this is the personality that they will take. This is however not the case with puppies that might seem to be lazy. In such cases, what happens the most is that these puppies may not be as energetic when they grow up. The general body condition of the Goldendoodle puppy is also essential that you should look into. You need to always ensure that the puppy you are choosing is one that looks in overall health, They ought to be in good weight. Any puppy that might look to be malnourished would not be ideal to go with,
As to what happens is that in the case where a puppy is not properly fed in the early stages of their life, they might develop complications as they grow older. Look also at the eyes of each puppy. A healthy Goldendoodle would have their eyes alert and bright. A puppy that has been properly taken care of will not have any dirty in their eyes nor have eye discharge in their face. Before making your decision, take note of how the puppy breathes. They should have a breathing rate that is regular. Not only should his be the case but also, you ought not to hear any wheezing noises as they breathe. In the case where you would notice that the Goldendoodle would be making such noises as they breathe, it is quite likely that they would be having an upper respiratory infection. Take the time to also look inside the ears of each Goldendoodle puppy. When doing this, you would need to ensure that their ears are clean and that they do not have an odor. If the puppy would be having an ear infection or would have ear mites, the observation that you would make is that the puppy would be having black debris.
Look at the puppy’s genitals as well. A healthy puppy should not have any discharge or any redness in this region. If the puppy that you are looking to settle on is male, you should be able to feel both genitals. The coat of the puppy is a vital observation that you would need to also make with regard to this animal. Make sure therefore that the Goldendoodle puppy has a coat that is shiny. The puppy of your choosing should not be having ticks. This Goldendoodle puppy should also not have bald patches on of skin.