Ways That an Economic Damages Expert Witness Can Influence Personal Injury Case
If you are facing pain and suffering due to a personal injury that occurred to you and you have an ongoing case that is being handled in a court of law, there is a higher probability that the jury in the court will probably be on your side since you are the person who is suffering. However to make the case solid so that you can get the compensation that you require base on the economic damages that you have incurred such as wrongful termination, wrongful foreclosure, loss of wages and earnings, among other loses that can occur related to the economy damages then you can hire an expert who will be your witness to prove that indeed you faced the economic suffering at hand. They will help in calculating the losses that you had suffered in the process. Since it’s hard for the jury to determine the amount of pain and suffering that you can get compensated then you should hire an economic damages expert witness. They will offer testimony on the issues discussed above after they lost their earning due to the injury. Covered in the article below are ways that an economic damages expert witness can help you in your case.
The first thing that the economic damages expert witness helps to determine the losses that can be payable. In this kind of case then the plaintiff is supposed to get all the compensation that should have occurred to them if they were not injured. If the case is small then you will have no issue in the claim compensation but if the case is complicated for example a car crash then the economic damages expert witness will have to dig deeper on the tax reduction of the employees to determine if they were cut a bigger chunk of their salary. The economic damages expert witness will have to look at their records for almost five previous years. If the plaintiff was running their own business then the economic damages expert witness will have to dig deeper and determine how the plaintiff lost income in their business.
The economic damages expert witness will help in consult discoveries. In discovery, some things are supposed to be determined for example the plaintiff age, and extent of the injury and the employment status that the plaintiff is currently at. If there is economic damage then the attorney will invest a lot of time in the discovery of this issue. The jury and the attorneys will refer to the economic damages expert witness who will help them in determining the documents that need to be used in handling such an economic loss. The economic damages expert witness will also assist with the deposition phase of any loss. This can happen if the plaintiff claims that they faced more injuries that could be long term.
The last way that the economic damages expert witness can help is by the elimination of calculation issues since they will help them come up with accurate data. To summarize, those are the ways that you can use your economic damages expert witness to help you in getting the compensation that you require in a personal injury attorney.