A 10-Point Plan for (Without Being Overwhelmed)

Tips in Joining the International Fencing Club

To be a new fencer, your very first competition can be a little overwhelming. It is actually a beehive kind of activity. There are other fencers that will be very busy getting themselves to be prepared for any competition. Other fencers can help you when you need help but others are busy for themselves. There can a little pre-knowledge about where you can go and what can be able to go a very long way right towards making the first fencing competition to be a great success.

Being too nervous can be normal in any competition. Looking for someone who had the experience in the completion can be very helpful. They can surely pinpoint the things you can do best and where you need to report into. The problem now which is being expressed before is that the experienced fencer can be quite busy for themselves.

The first thing you do when you arrive at the competition is to show up early on time. There is actually a schedule that you can check which can be posted on the website of the fencing organizations and there is also the one that can be posted on the fencing clubs. Make sure that you are to show me the registration at least half an hour before the listing time ends so that you can be able to have some time for the preparations that can be available for you. The fencing event can start on half an hour right after the registration time will close. This can be moved based on the circumstances or based o notes hosts or the competition time in general.

Make sure that you are going to put the fencing bags so that it can be accessed easily and that make sure it can be easily recognized. This can be because there are many players or fencers that can have the same kind of bag in their design and look. They can be randomly place and they can be disorganized or be thrown on the sides. You can also try to consider to put some tags on the bag so you can be able to easily pick your back at ease and confidence knowing that it is yours. You can also put some label into the equipment you are using so you will have easy time recognizing it from the other equipment.

Make sure that you are to get the wires and the lames checked before the completion. You can also take your mask in the armoury. You can observe others in the armory line which can provide you with the hints as to what should be checked and whatnot. Once that you are there then the armor will be tested for your mask in the various ways. Make sure that all of the equipment will pass is that you will not be disqualified and you have to check the armor right before the competition since you do not any time to replace them during the competition.

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