The Purpose of Immigration Medical Exam
It is very necessary to have an immigration medical exam before migrating to the United States, this is very essential when entering to their territory especially when aspiring to become a permanent resident. Known as the green card medical exam, the designation is part of the assessment to ensure the safety of the public and the basis of any antecedent for ineligibility to become an immigrant.
The medical foundations of inadmissibility are designed to protect the health of their population, thus, immigration physicals are strictfully administered. The medical examination results are then forwarded to the USCIS to figure out if the applicant meets the health standard protocol that they have set. If ever the applicant will fail to pass any of these required health standards, then this will be the basis of proof that he cannot acquire the admission to the mainland country. Any of these health related evidence will be a legitimate ground of non-entry, communicable diseases, physical and mental disorder, drug addiction and failure to show proof of vaccinations. Below are some of the important exams that are required by the consuls.
Authorized Doctors And Facility
In having an immigration medical exam, the U.S. government will provide a doctor that is certified by their consuls. The applicant cannot choose his own doctor, instead he is required to follow medical procedure at their local consulate. If the applicant is taking an immigrant visa, then a panel of authorized doctors or physicians and the approved medical facility will be endorsed by the consul. But most importantly, you have to have an appointment notification from the consul general of your locale before going to a medical exam.
Drug Addiction Record
One of the medical exams that are included in the checklist of the medical assessment is the medical history. The panel of doctors will ask several questions that includes hospitalized in significant disease or admitted for a mental or chronic physical condition. The doctors will also ask questions regarding habitual drug abuse and if you ever found to be a drug dependent then that ground may be a legitimate reason for failure to enter in their place. However if you are already in the remission of being a drug addict, then you are allowed to have a green card entry.
Record Of Vaccination
Vaccination is one of the most important medical exams that is required for every wannabe. The doctor will make sure that you get all the required vaccination in a lifetime. These vaccine records are actively needed by the INA and center for disease control and prevention department. The required vaccines are the following, measles, polio, tetanus toxoids hepa B influenza, pneumonia, hepa A and meningococcal. And if you haven’t yet vaccinated, your doctor will administer them, depending on the type of vaccination which is medically fit by age.
Physical And Mental Test
Physical examination may include eyes, ears, nose, throat, limbs, heart, lungs, abdomen, skin and genital genitalia. Chest x-ray and blood tests are also included in this physical check-up requirement. Absolutely, children and pregnant women are exempted from physical x-ray. In addition, the doctor will also perform examinations that assess your intelligence, thought, understanding, emotional affection, judgment and destructive behavior. If any of these mental test id failed, then this will be the ground of terminating your request for having a green card visa.