What Music and Literature Can Provide You?
We live in a world of harsh realities. Cruel times met with realistic ends that accounts for multiple worries and concern from you. As an individual who struggles in a day-to-day set-up, you always catch yourself war of your reality and wistful of the unreal. Getting lost in the world pleasure and pure fiction at times can come as handy help to escape the gnawing feeling of existing.
You are not alone in this kind of feeling. The dread you experience in navigating the daily life of being human – working human – is collected and shared by many people who like you experiences great dread and demotivation in their existence. This is why human beings are fond of music and literature. This is where you often find yourself exploring and basking in the beauty and essence that is called art that is found in both music and literature.
Music is the melody that brings tone in one’s life. Music is not a mere representation of artistic sounds but it is also an expression of oneself, one tribe, and the collective burden felt by the many. Many people connect in a single tune or a single song as long as it represents their truth and experience. Ever since there was humanity there was music and that is as beautiful as it gets
A world without music is a silent world devoid of expression and melody. The world without it is purely unthinkable and unimaginable. Hence this is why the production and evolution of music continue along with the production and evolution of mankind.
Literature like music is an expression. To be specific literature though it can be both prose and fiction – it narrates the history of people. It narrates you. Books are the actual example of the rich culture of literature found in humanity. Stories communal or authored by a single person are heard and told for many generations. Literature exists because humans do.
Like music, literature provides entertainment. It gives you both pleasure to quench the thirst of your soul and it also provides you an avenue to express your held beliefs and to provide life to your imaginary world. Both literature and music is a great way to escape the ongoing reality that befalls you.
You might be dreading to live the realness of life but with fiction and music you can just get by and you can follow. If you want to create content and become your own creator of wonderful music and best-selling stories then do as you please. The sky is always the limit for a man’s desire.
You can be whoever you do whatever in the name of literature and music. Do not belittle the magic that you can produce. You can have so much to offer. What you need are encouragement and inspiration. You need to see that it is possible. You have to find the burning passion inside your core. You need to look for ways and possibilities to create your passion and turn them into meaningful pieces of art, literature, and music.