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Don’t Be Downgraded: Complete Your Medical and Physical Health Examination

No driver wants to be downgraded, because he couldn’t complete the physical health exam. If you have ever been diagnosed with any medical conditions that can impair your ability to drive safely, you must notify the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within 10 days of getting your diagnosis. You must also provide certification from your doctor that you are fit to drive and can continue to drive without risk to yourself or others on the road. If you fail to do so, the DMV may deem you unfit to drive and downgrade your driving privilege.

A driver has to complete a medical examination every two years. Drivers who can’t complete their medical examination for a variety of reasons, such as failing the eyesight test or missing an appointment due to an accident or other illness, will be downgraded. It’s really important that drivers stay up-to-date with the latest information on traffic laws and regulations in order to avoid problems, both legal and physical.

State law requires every driver of a commercial motor vehicle to complete a medical examination each year, as well as a physical health examination. It’s important that you complete these exams so you can keep your CDL certification active. When the state of Pennsylvania sends notice, you need to contact your local physician office within 10 days and request an appointment for one of the two required examinations. Every driver wants to stay safe while on the road. That’s why it is so important to take care of your own safety by making sure you take care of yourself first.

You should complete a medical and physical health examination when you start driving, when you switch employers, every two years while working for the same employer, or annually if your medical condition changes. If you refuse to take the exam, you could be charged with violating a state law that requires drivers to submit proof of an annual physical. The form comes from the Department of Transportation’s FMCSA.

There are several doctors in your area who are certified to examine your medical and physical health. These doctors include internists, family physicians, podiatrists, pulmonologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and general surgeons. You may also want to see an occupational physician if you work in a job that exposes you to a high level of risk or injury. The occupational physician will do a thorough examination of the worker’s mental and physical condition and advise the worker on any changes he should make to his job. If it is necessary for the worker to change jobs because he cannot perform his present duties without danger, then the employer must help him find another position with no loss of seniority.

Every company that provides roadside assistance has their own downgrading schedule. Prices can range from around $25 per year to more than $150 per year, depending on your specific needs. No driver wants to be downgraded, because he couldn’t complete the physical health exam. Know what you need to do to be safe, certified and able to drive.

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