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Sleep apnea Solutions

Sleep apnea is the condition that affects human beings causing them to stop breathing while sleeping. Breathing stops because of lack of oxygen. A victim of this condition will have period when they gasp fir air and they may even end up waking up because of the same. They may also get reports from people that there were times when they stopped breathing. In most cases, the victim will not realize that he or she has stopped breathing and hence continue to sleep like nothing happened. Sleep apnea is a condition that requires medical attention and hence if you have the condition, look for solutions.

There are several signs and symptoms of sleep apnea that you should watch out for. The patient may tend to snore heavily when they are suffering from the same. The patient may also experience periods when they stopped breathing. Others complains that they have headaches in the morning. This is as a result of low amount of oxygen in the brain. An individual may also wake up with a dry mouth which is as a result of gasping for air. Others lack sleep during the night and this might lead them to sleep during the day. There are other patients who may tend to be less attentive even when they are awake.

There are different causes of sleep apnea. However, there is a risk factors that may increases your chances of having sleep apnea. People who have excess weight will be more prone than those who are fit. This is the reason why the cases are more rampant to people with obesity. This is because when you are overweight, fat deposits accumulates on the upper air way hence obstructing how you breathe. People with thicker necks will also suffer from sleep apnea. This is as a result of narrow airspaces that causes an individual to gasp for air during the night. One method to eliminate this cause, it Is important that you look for ways to shed off the excess weight.

Another method that you can use as sleep apnea solution is yoga. Yoga is a type of exercise that will increase the energy levels, strengthen your heart and give you quality sleep. Yoga is done to improve the respiratory strength and also encourage the flow of oxygen in the body and the heart.
Another method that can solve sleep apnea is altering your sleeping position. A small change during the night will reduce sleep apnea and also better the quality of sleep. Obstruction sleep apnea cases are mainly dependent on the sleeping position of the patient. Study shows that sleeping on your back will make the condition worse, however, sleeping on the side can make the breathing to be normal again.

It is advisable that you use a humidifier in your home is you are suffering from sleep apnea. Humidifiers add moisture in the air. Dry air can irritate the body as well as the respiratory system. Using the humidifier will therefore open the airways, reduce the level of congestion and improve the air that you are breathing.

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