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Ways in Which EHR Users Can Mitigate Fraud Cases and Ensure Compliance in The Existing Medical Field Across the World Today
The number of fraud cases has been on an immense rise over the recent years especially with the coming and constant use of electronic technology and EHR users have not been spared as well. Since medical records are sensitive and require maximum confidentiality, every IT personnel, and healthcare provider invest in all possible measures of ensuring that they identify and prevent fraud in the industry. It is so interesting how so many medical providers using EHR systems and software fall victim of fraud when there are countless tiny signs that they can always look out for to spot the same including simple glitches in the systems which eventually affect their routine tasks commonly split billing. Other ways of spotting fraud in HER include the user receiving more financial reimbursement from government programs after implementation of EHR than in the paper records, indications of copied and pasted patient notes, fixed or hardcoded EHR in ways that cannot be easily altered to meet certification requirements as well as receipt of financial compensation for promotion of the use of specific EHR software among many others. There is no essence in just spotting fraud in EHR systems and software but the users should also know how to prevent the same and ensure compliance which requires them to be equipped with some tips and guidelines on how to achieve the same as discussed below.

To mitigate fraud in EHR and ensure adequate compliance in the field, users must ensure that they establish policies and procedures when addressing the cloned (copy and paste) documents. It is essential for anyone using the EHR systems and software to establish and understand the policies that govern this subject as it is one of the top causes fraud in this field as well as an indicator of underlying fraud. By taking time to establish and understand these policies and procedures, the medic or IT specialist does not just minimize chances of fraud in EHR usage but also knows what the law requires of them when it comes to copying and pasting of the documents as well as what they are restricted from during the instances. It is also vital for the EHR users to always update the info that they clone at every stage as it enables them to have the most accurate and relevant data in the end.

Being keen and meticulous when using checkboxes and templates and keeping all audit logs operational are both crucial ways of ensuring compliance in EHR systems and software and also eliminating fraud. By so doing, all the vital elements in the documents stay up to date.

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