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Benefits of Teaching Education Life Skills to Teens in High Schools

Education life skills taught in high schools enable teenagers to deal powerfully with their daily demands and difficulties. Thus, the life skills start to get delivered as early as an individual is a toddler and continues throughout his or her life. Briefly, education life skills are psychosocial proficiency showing that they deal with social roles and mental problems.

Therefore, with the above clear definition we can conclude that life skills are crucial to every person. Below are some of the benefits of education life skills to the teens in high schools.

Firstly, education life skills have benefited a lot of teens to develop interaction between them and also with teachers. The students in high school during their first year of study shy while others fear to associate with other learners and with teachers. Therefore, this benefit is among the social benefits of education life skills.
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Life skills taught in high school are advantageous since they have increased productivity in the economy. Hence, productivity in the economy as a result of life skills taught in high schools is under the broad classification of benefits which is economic benefits. Therefore, the education life skills taught in high schools will shape the young men and women so that one day they will have a great impact on the economy.
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Education life skills are beneficial in health matters since they help in avoidance of diseases such as HIV and AIDS. Teens get the awareness of such fatal viruses like HIV via the help of life skills education. Thus, the teens are in a better position of knowing means by which they can protect themselves from such diseases.

Furthermore, it is beneficial to have education life skills since students are in a better position to practice cultural activities and evade the most dangerous practices. Thus, you can find this advantage of maintaining cultural activities on the large varieties of benefits under the cultural advantages. Additionally, it is important to note that life skills have necessitated harmonious interaction between people of different cultures.

Finally, the education life skills help teens in high school to improve their disciplines by maintaining good morals. Therefore, it is through the life skills lectures that lead to the reformation of many students. Some cases like absenteeism and teenage pregnancies have reduced with the help of education life skills . Thus, this shows that the life skills have a significant effect on the education where this advantage is among the broad category of educational benefits.

In conclusion, it is desirable to note that teaching life skills leads to development of these disciplines that is, education, health, economics, culture, and social fields.