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Grass Types That Enhance the Beauty of Landscape Designs

Every homeowner is proud of a uniquely designed landscape for their yard. Grass is the fundamental element for landscaping a yard. Pick the right type of grass by observing the types of grass that do well in your area. You yard will look beautiful if you plant the type of grass that does well in your location. Create a unique appearance on the lawn by planting a mixture of types of grasses. Use these varieties of grasses to landscape your yard.

Use the all-time famous Kentucky bluegrass for your yard. The Kentucky bluegrass has been extensively used to landscape residential areas because it has a beautiful emerald-green color that has a unique combination of blue. It is a perennial cold season grass that is recommended for landscaping places within the northern climate. The suitable time to plant bluegrass is during the early fall. Some varieties of bluegrass weather in hot and dry conditions because of their shallow roots. There are species of bluegrass that are resistant to the harsh conditions of winter.

Plant red fescue grass in your yard as an alternative of ryegrass. This grass type has rapid growth with beautiful emerald green color in cold seasons but turns brown and dormant when exposed to high humidity in warm seasons. It is resistant to drought and summer because of its deep roots that absorb water from deep inside the soil. The drought resistance nature of red fescue grass is cost-effective because you save much by not irrigating the lawn frequently. The red fescue grass is suitable for sandy backyards because it grows well on sandy soil. Find already mixed up packets of ryegrass, bluegrass and red fescue grass seeds for easy and quick planting. Mix seeds of ryegrass, bluegrass, and red fescue grass before planting to give the lawn a unique appearance.

Overseed the ryegrass with grass like the Kentucky Blue to maintain the green appearance of the yard after the cold season passes. Plant the ryegrass in winter so that by summer it will have grown to about four feet tall. Ryegrass will survive insufficient water in summer because of low rainfall when it is planted in winter where it will have enough rain to mature. You will spend more on water bills and source of energy like electricity or fuel if you are using the generator to irrigate the lawn if you skip planting the ryegrass on your lawn in winter. Ryegrass makes harmful herbs and weeds to die without need for frequent spraying of herbicides because of its fast and strong. Choose perennial ryegrass that suppresses the growth of weeds and herbs so that your yard remains beautiful as the grass grows.

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