How to Measure Digital Applause for Your App
Digital applause is very essential given that most businesses have gone the digital way. When it comes to digital applause, it is how the business has been reputed and the kind of publicity that is going around about the business. When it comes to the choice of the business that the clients choose to buy from, they consider what previous customers have said concerning the company. Even the use of apps is something that each person who is choosing an app to install will ask himself or herself why they need your app and not your competitors’. You need to ensure that you do some follow-ups when you develop an app for you to understand the performance of the app.
You need to look at the ratings of the app. One thing you should know is that you can’t know how you are performing if there is no one who is rating your app or saying anything about the app. You should therefore encourage those who are using your app to rank you so that you will be the ranking as the guide to know how strong or weak your app is. If you have 4 and 5 stars, there will be a lot of confidence for your app and so people will install it without fear that there will be inconveniences but if the ranking is below that you will be sure that no one will want to be associated with you.
You also need to review downloads. You need to ensure that you consider the way people have been using your app. For you to know how you perform, you will need to follow the way people are relating and using your apps so that you will understand more about your app and how they influence people. Also, it is essential that you display the number of downloads that have been made because that too will encourage more people to download it knowing that there are also other people who have been using that app.
You need to take a look at retention and churn. You should not only track the number of downloads but also whether people are still using the app or not. You must also make sure that people are still using the app and not only concentrate on the downloads only because this is what will make you know if you are still in business or not.
Read customer reviews. You must have a look at what people are saying about the app so that you will be in a position to understand whether you are doing it right or you want to change something. Those who give negative comments should be appreciated as well because most of the time they challenge you and through that, you come out strong.