Details to Help You Understand the Macujo Method for Passing Hair Drug Tests
In many developed countries, the use of hair drug tests is increasing compared to urine and blood tests. One of the reasons why hair drug tests are gaining popularity is because they allow the detection of drugs even when the individual has taken them three months before the tests. The hair can store the drug metabolites for a longer duration compared to blood and urine. Also, hair tests only need a small sample of the hair, and the processing is easier compared to that of urine and blood. Also, the move towards hair tests is because of the reduced reliability of older methods especially urine tests because there are many products in the market that people use to alter the chemical composition of the sample. The hair gets an adequate flow of blood so that it can grow through the hair follicle. If a person is using drugs, the metabolites of the drugs circulate through the bloodstream and get to the hair through the follicle. The chemicals deposited in the hair can show the drugs that you have consumed, which is why hair drug tests are used.
The Macujo method is used to eliminate the chemical substances that are stored in the hair. The method first aims to make the hair cuticle permeable, which allows for the elimination of the metabolites stored in the hair. Anyone who is looking for this method to pass a drug test needs to practice patience so that they can achieve the desired goal. You will need not less than 3 to 5 days so that you can get the desired results. The likelihood of passing a drug test after performing the procedure are very high when it is applied well. When you rush to treat the hair repeated times in a short period, you can experience severe damage to your hair, and you may also not get the desired results.
The Macujo method is comprised of two main steps. During the first part, you will be making your hair cuticle permeable using a specific type of vinegar and a dermatological product. These have chemical components that make this possible, and they also allow the removal of dirt and impurities in the scalp. In the second phase, a specific shampoo is used to permeabilize the cuticle further and removes the metabolites from the hair.
It is necessary that one first stops using drugs before they can get to the procedure so that they can achieve results. One also needs to do it at least five times during the three days before the drug test. One must also be prepared to make a monetary investment into it.