If you are wondering what a challenge coin is, it is basically a small medallion with the symbol of an association carried by the members who belong to the corporation. They serve different purposes and their uses vary widely. However, if you are thinking about getting some for your team you should not hold back because it will be one of the best things you have ever done for them. They can be instrumental in bringing cohesion in your firm. They tell the holders that they are in the same community which leads to a sense of belonging. Therefore, you should not fail to get them for your team if you feel like they can be helpful. You may also have them as rewards for the best performing members in the team. Having a reward at the end of a certain duration is one of the things that will keep people highly motivated.
You can expect better results when you give your team tangible rewards as opposed to stopping at just verbal appreciation. Seeing what they got for doing better will keep them pushing to break their own records. These challenges coins can also be exchanged. It is normal for people to exchange business cards but the challenge coins can replace business cards in any situation. Additionally, they can be passed on from one person to the other if he or she deems that it will be a great move for the other person to have the coin. It would be a great reminder for the holder about the person it came from. Thus, it creates a ripple effect that will keep benefiting your company or organization.
You will realize that these coins vary in the shape and even the material. The styles differ too and whatever style you are interested in you are guaranteed that you will find something on that line. If it will not be for your consumption you should give the recipients a chance to determine what they want. It will have a deeper meaning for them. Besides that, this is a great way to challenge people to do better. People will want to push themselves to do better if someone else has challenged them on the same and having a reminder of the challenge will be a good thing for them. If you see some employees who are not giving their all in their careers you can give them the coins as a challenge so that they can get to a better position. It can also be an identification for people who are in the same group or different departments.