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More On Lean Six Sigma

Before being called lean six sigma, the aspect had been deployed by various industries for a long time with each making it more effective with time. It is its objective for the provision of products that are of high quality and is satisfying to the clients while taking little time to complete. Products and services ate required to be accurate implying they must not have errors to ensure a client sees them as what they ordered. It must also provide these results while using the least possible amount of cost and needs to be flexible. This can be reached through breaking down a project into small increments and working on them at a time than combining them at the end.

The process can also be improved through a cycle of numerous improvements project to come up with an accurate result. This cycle insists on using available data to identify and correct mistakes and errors in the previous process for accuracy. From the different definitions given, the teem generally refers to making continuous improvements to a process. Some times earlier, one vehicle industry deployed this concept to make it possible to have a steady production of its products. Some changes were made to the previous method through allowing for changes to be applied whenever needs making it flexible.

The key factor aimed at by the concept is delivering to customers while deploying tools that solve a problem giving the best results. The problem solving tools usable include statistical analysis to aid in evaluating the situation based on facts to give the best option. A particular method can be taken and the obstacles that would affect its use analyzed to know if it can be used. Risk analysis is helpful as the team is aware of the possible obstacles in time and can find ways of dealing with them early. A firm can improve on its service provision through communication that encourages feedback from workers and the clients.

The team members are also responsible for solution finding and they suggest solutions which are considered and decision made to use them or not. What this concept tries to achieve is customer satisfaction through making products meeting the customer’s desire in time. The business also benefits from this concept since it is able to reduce the overall cost of production while giving great services. Reduced costs of production lead to realization of more profits for the business at the end of operation.

The nature of the process to accommodate changes where needed leads to faster production and delivery of products. If a problem proves to be too hard, it can be skipped and then tackled later to save time.

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