Know of the Duration of Time You Should Allow Kids as Computer Time
Quite a number of kids are nowadays just about staring at a screen for much of their time. In fact, studies have went ahead to establish that the average kid aged between 8 and 18 spends an average of 7 hours every day looking at a screen.
In the event that you have noticed your child coming close to these, then it is time you started limiting their screen time. Make all efforts possible to limit or keep an eye on their computer screen time over the others as it is a fact that this is one of the many that they happen to give a lot of time and attention to at such early ages. Here under is a look at the hours that you should allow your child enjoy before the computers even as recommended by experts.
We start this out by taking a look at the needs of the kids whose ages fall at 18 months and below. When your child is still below age 18 months, experts advise that you keep them as far away as possible from computers. By far and large, a child below this age shouldn’t by any chance be allowed to use any of the computer devices, smartphones and tablets and the like devices that employ computer tech in general. The reason for this is the fact that where you so happen to grant kids as young as these ages access to these devices, you expose them to the risk of developing bad habits. Added to this is the fact that this as well impacts negatively their emotional and psychological development.
You may only be excused to allow a child below the age of 18 months old to hold a video chat with a relative only in the event that this is the only alternative there is left for you towards communication. Otherwise a child below a year and a half shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a computer.
The next group or age of kids to be looked at here are the toddling kids, those between the ages of 2 years and 5 years. After your child has hit the 18 month birthday, you may start bringing them in steadily into the computer world. In most cases you wIll realize that the young kids will have an interest in watching TV. Anyway, you need to be advised to not allow them all that time to sit in front of the box for such extended long periods of time.