Study: My Understanding of Wellness

Trauma Therapy

After you have experienced trauma, it is essential to get help. Trauma hurts us by physically changing our brains, your mind usually changes when you experience any traumatic event. Some areas in your brain that used to work in a particular way changes because of the trauma. Apart from affecting the brain, trauma also affects the central nervous system by disrupting someone’s ability to motivate himself or calm. Trauma therapy is a mental health treatment which is used by counselors to help people overcome their trauma. Trauma therapy is not one type of treatment, there are a variety of therapies which are used to treat trauma.

The other types of therapies used to treat trauma include; somatic therapy, anxiety therapy, EMDR, brainspotting and CBT. Somatic therapy is a therapy that relieves effects of stress, anxiety and trauma on the body. The therapy calms the body which helps in calming the mind. Somatic therapy uses “felt sense ” mechanism by accessing the physical sensations and imagery patterns with less focus on the emotions. A traumatic event is usually locked in the nervous system especially if the person did not escape. Somatic therapy depends on sensations, it focuses on the sensations to release the trapped activation. Somatic therapy is divided into three types which include somatic experiencing, TRM(Trauma Resiliency Model) and sensorimotor psychotherapy. Somatic experiencing enables someone to maintain his or her equilibrium while processing the events. Sensorimotor psychotherapy uses the bodies intelligence. Trauma Resiliency model is made in a way that helps someone get out of shock.
Brainspotting therapy helps us to get to what is underneath. EMDR also referred to as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing provides side to side stimulation of the brain. The stimulation causes integration of the feelings.

It is important to know what you want to achieve first from the counseling or therapy before undertaking any therapy. it is essential to be aware of your trauma and the way you usually react. The most essential goal of trauma therapy is to eliminate trauma symptoms and reclaim your power. It is time to look for the best counselor and therapist after you know what you want to achieve. You can treat a trauma in many health centers nowadays. It is important to do some research before visiting a health center for trauma treatment because each health center has its own way of dealing with the situation. The location of the health center also matters because going to nearby counselors will mean in case of any future problems you can easily approach them for assistance. When you visit a healing center asking them important questions like the therapies they use will expend your mind concerning trauma therapy.

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