A Brief History of

Honey Bee Facts Worth Texting and Tweeting

If you want a lasting relationship, you have to make sure to find ways to show your partner how much you love them. Finding the right things to say even choosing what sweet topic to start with your partner should be given a lot of consideration. If you want to make things interesting with your partner and friends, you should give honey bee facts a try. There is no denying how much of a hard worker honey bees are even companies like HIVE Digital Strategy apply their strategy. Without further ado, here are some honey bee facts worth texting and tweeting and how they relate to great companies of today.

You make my heart beat like a honey bees wings: Honey bees are capable of flying from 15 to 28 mph as they head out and get some nectar. They then slow down to carry back their load and only go at 12 mph. They flap their wings 200 times more or less per second. Per minute, the total beats are 12000. Even in their short lifespan, they will be covering a distance that is equivalent to roaming around the Earth 1 1/2 times. With companies like HIVE Digital Strategy, though, they are as fast as the wings of these bees but have a higher reach and not just within home distance.

My love for you is like honey, its sweeter than sugar and will last forever: Bee colonies are able to last forever because the queen, drone bees, and worker bees are easily replaced for the hive to continue to grow. Older bees make sure to teach the younger bees how to make honey. For companies to grow and not perish such as HIVE Digital Strategy, for instance, they make sure to take note of this factor. In addition, honey can last for a long time. In point of fact, in one of the ancient tombs in Egypt, honey was found that was already thousands of years old but is still very much edible.

You are the honey of my life, youre the only thing I need and make me a better person: Honey has been found to be comprised of all of the nutrients that your body needs to live. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that will make your body healthier. You also become smarter with honey with its antioxidant content called pinocembrin for your brain and memory function. Anxiety is better reduced and your immune system and cognitive ability are also well enhanced.

You deserve royal jelly cause youre my one and only queen bee: There is only one queen be per colony and should be treated like what she is. From larva, the colony takes good care of her and feed her the royal jelly that she needs.

Youre my honey bee, you satisfy my soul and feed my hunger: Bees are the reason why people are able to enjoy one-third of what they are eating. That is why a lot of companies like HIVE Digital Strategy utilize the association between an organization and hard work to thrive. HIVE Digital Strategy logo, for instance, is associated with bees to show their hard work and commitment to networking.