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Major Differences Between Traditional and Accelerated Invisalign

Braces are among the most popular dental pieces across the world today, with millions of Americans alone wearing them at any time of the day presently. With such a huge number of people familiar with braces, it is not surprising that every family or small group of people has several braces present. Even though braces are so common in most parts of the world today, just like any other product, they also have some limitations, which include the pain that comes with their installation as well as a huge scare or embarrassment of being associated with them, among many others. If you are planning to have braces fixed, there is no need to worry as the market today offers not just a quick but also discreet option of braces, all thanks to the immense improvements that were made of the original ones. There are, therefore, two major classifications of braces that anyone should understand before choosing what suits their needs best, which are the conventional and accelerated Invisalign.

There are so many people that have misaligned teeth today but do not like braces, which makes Invisalign the ideal option for them. Just like the name suggests, Invisalign are basically clear braces, and they involve removal of mold from one’s mouth that is used to make a tray that fits over the teeth. The end product of the process is what is fixed to help realign the teeth as desired.

For those that may be wondering what accelerated Invisalign is, in comparison to traditional Invisalign, the two are similar in most elements except speed, whereby the former tends to be quicker. The unique thing about the accelerated Invisalign is the presence of a C-shaped vibration device called a Propel VPro5 that one bites down every day for about five min. The vibrations that are produced from the biting process are what make the accelerated Invisalign faster than the traditional Invisalign as they result in a faster teeth realignment.

For those that may be wondering whether to go for the accelerated Invisalign and where to find it, the answer is yes, and it is readily available in the market. For those that feel embarrassed wearing the traditional braces, this is also an ideal choice, all thanks to being invisible. Most importantly is the speed at which these braces take to deliver the results, especially where the traditional braces are involved.

One of the most popular questions that most people ask is whether accelerated Invisalign is a great choice for them, and in most cases, they turn out just perfect. They have been known to not only realign crooked teeth but also underbites and overbites as well as gaps.