5 Lessons Learned:

World War 1 Facts

Today, there are many books and documentaries that have been written about World War 1, but most people still lack the basic knowledge about it. It is worrying to note that a large percentage of people do not know more about World War 1 since it was one of the fierce wars in the history of the human race. An estimated forty million number of casualties and more than twenty million deaths were recorded during World War 1. There are many interesting facts about World War 1 that you would not find when you read the books and documentaries since studying all the details about the war would take years.

The fact that the youngest British soldier to fight in the war was twelve years old is one of the details about World War 1 that you would not find when you read the books. Since fighting for the king and country was considered heroic, it was common to come across young men lying about their age for them to join the army during World War 1. The public was told that the war would be over by the end of the year, 1994 and that is the other reason why more and more people joined the army during World War 1. The time of the young twelve years soldier came to an end when his mother demanded he is sent home despite the fact that he had lied successfully into the army.

The fact that most of the deaths during World War 1 were caused by diseases and that is the other detail that you would not find when you read the books and documentaries. Since there were poor conditions and congestion in the trenches, diseases were easily spread. During World War 1, there were no life saving medicine, and that is the other reason why people died of diseases apart from poor conditions and congestion. During World War 1, one of the diseases that killed a lot of people was Spanish flu. Spanish flu was a deadly disease since it ended up becoming a pandemic long after the war was over.

If you want to honor the soldiers that have fallen in war, you need to consider doing so using military coins. Today, coming across an individual with personalized military coins is common since it is one of the ways that you can honor the sacrifices made by the servicemen and women. military coins are considered a symbol of allegiance and commitment, and that is the other reason why it is common to come across an individual that has them. If you are army personnel, military coins signify that you were a part of a particular group. If you want to find out more information about military coins, you need to browse through the online platforms.